How to access User Library folder in Mac OS X Lion?
Feel free to ask me any queries via twitter (@ImKarthikK) or use the comments section!Share this article:Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Tagged Under: Apple IncLion 10.7LionTipMac OS XMac OS X LIonMac OS X Lion 10.7 By Karthik KKarthik K is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of 4CAST
Ekushey Unicode Bangla fonts for OS X - Ekushey
Although 7 keyboard layouts for Windows and 11 OpenType fonts for Windows and Linux are available, we managed to convert only 2 of those 11 fonts and 2 of the 7 keyboard layouts for the first release. We welcome Mac users to use our Unicode Bangla solutions absolutely free! Feel free to download and use them and please send us your comments, suggestion and criticism
2 Symbolic fonts are only displayed in Internet Explorer, in other browsers a font substitute is used instead (although the Symbol font does work in Opera and the Webdings works in Safari). 4 These fonts are not TrueType fonts but bitmap fonts, so they won't look well when using some font sizes (they are designed for 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point sizes at 96 DPI)
Mac OS X Lion Scan to Network Folder Fix - OfficeJet Pro 850... - HP Support Forum - 1254911
The password is the one you use to login and also to make changes in System Preferences.I skiped Pin setup.Select Default Scan options then tap Next.And Finally select Save and Test.Hopefully you have a new folder setup and ready to use. Search the Community Entire ForumThis CategoryThis BoardUsers turn on suggested results Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type
How to Show Hidden Files and Folders on Mac OS X: 12 Steps
It can be opened in one of three ways: Click on "Applications" in the left-hand pane, then on "Utilities." Then, double-click on "Terminal." Open the OS X Lion Launchpad. If you need to reveal these hidden files, perhaps to make advanced system changes or to implement a software fix, it is possible to do so by using the Terminal utility on your computer
for those thinking helvetica is a modern font, well, it is a modernist font, created in 1957, although it draws heavily on akzidenz grotesk designed in the 1896. LikeLike Reply Stephen Coles says: May 20, 2015 at 1:07 pm True, but San Francisco does have a contextual alternate that raises the colon when placed between numerals
Mac OS X Hints - A community-built collection of OS X hints
See Setting Up an iOS 7 On-Demand VPN for the details (it's way too much stuff to post via MacOSXHints, as much as I've been a fan of this site for many years). I find that the confirm-faces interface is a faster way to find new faces than the Find Faces feature and I was methodically going through each face album to find new faces this way before I discovered the smart album trick mentioned above
How to Merge Folders on Mac OS X Without Losing All Your Files (Seriously)
This doesn't seems like a complicated or power-user feature to me.Just a basic folder management feature present since at least Windows 98 (Maybe 95 too). You could always just open up both folders and move the files inside one folder to the inside of the other folder, going through file conflicts in the Finder that way
This works the same within OS X Yosemite, OS X Mountain Lion and OS X Mavericks, and will likely continue as a feature in the future versions of the OS X desktop as well. Some good comebacks here! Reply Jake says: July 29, 2011 at 3:34 pm Just FYI: moving files from one place to another (not a copy) has always been possible by simply holding the Command key when dragging your files
If an entry in, for example, the Shared Folders list is too long for you to make out the folder name, hover your pointer over it, and a tooltip will appear, giving you the full name
Fonts can now be purchased from these stores, downloaded, installed and activated all without leaving FontExplorer X Pro, eliminating the break in workflow that occurs when you need to exit the creative process to acquire type. a designer looking for typefaces containing a capital A without a crossbar for a logo that needs a futuristic feel.) The larger, artistic showings also provide a fun, alternative way to browse type
They are the same font in terms of design and weight, but the Apple font is limited to the Big Five character set, while the Windows version is a GBK font. Many font bundles include installers (and other software) that only work on Windows, and thus they are sold as Windows-only, but you can always manually install the fonts on a Mac
10.6: Re-enable LCD font smoothing for some monitors - Mac OS X Hints
How can i give you a very giant big kiss? I thought I was going slowly insane or blind when i upgraded to snow leopard, and it i seemed like my fonts were all screwed up. Using Automator to move files one folder up Weird PDF behaviour in Yosemite Copying files to multiple folders using Applescript Looking for simple iTunes track info visualizer Adding SSD iMac Mid 2011 - 21.5" Mounting NFS drive without showing on Desktop How to Get Rid of Spotlight's Help Screen? TM backup via Ethernet Hints by Topic-- All Topics --Apps Best Of Classic Desktop Desktop Macs iCloud Install Internet iOS devices iPod Laptop Macs Network OS X Server Other Hardware PDAs etc
Putting your applications folder in your dock enables you to get rid of icons in your dock that you rarely use, and still have 1-click access to all of your installed applications
Neat! Also, because Spotlight is built deep into the bowels of the Mac OS X file system and kernel, Smart Folders are always current, even if you've added or deleted files since you created the Smart Folder
How to ReName a File or Folder in Mac OS X
To do this from the command line, type the following syntax replacing with your files and filenames as desired: mv oldfilename newfilename A note on renaming files, and file extensions: Do be aware when renaming certain files that changing the file extension (.jpg or .txt, etc) can effect the behavior of that file and how applications respond to it. is there a way to change the album name, title name and authors?? Reply Charles Black says: November 21, 2014 at 9:46 am I am using OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
Donations Welcome Although they are both free, I welcome any donations.Money donated will go towards keeping me alive and encourage further work on the font. Turn the keyboard layout on in the International pane of the System Preferences, it will then be accessable from the Keyboard menu in the upper-right of the screen
Clearing the Mac OS X font cache -
Learn More Our Customers See who's using Portfolio Server See List More About Digital Asset Management Digital Asset Management Files are only assets if they can be found and used. As fonts are turned on and off in the operating system, it may occasionally become necessary to clear the temporary files to ensure optimal performance
Unicode fonts for Macintosh OS X computers
Some fonts contain a few characters from ranges that are not listed, extra glyphs such as lower-case numerals and small capitals, and non-Unicode characters. Keyboards can only be selected when a suitable application has focus, so Unicode keyboards can only be selected when a Unicode-aware application is running
I just finished an writing an article that extensively covers Mac vs Windows font rendering if you are still looking for more information even after reading this wonderful article and the sensible replies. You should use fonts for computer reading created to look best in that medium, that are hinted and have tracking and kerning information developed to look good in that medium
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