Tuesday 21 July 2015

What structural characteristic of archaebacteria allows them to live in extreme environments

Top sites by search query "what structural characteristic of archaebacteria allows them to live in extreme environments"


There is now also very strong evidence from molecular phylogenies and a shared lateral gene transfer for the monophyly of cryptomonads, haptophytes, and their relatives (Burki et al., 2008; Hackett et al., 2007; Patron et al., 2007; Rice and Palmer, 2006). The diversity of these microbial eukaryotes must be discovered and explored with powerful equipment and techniques such as electron microscopy and molecular biology

The Joys and Hazards of Living with a Bengal Cat

In less than an hour, my wrist was completely swollen, and I had to enlist the help of said friend to cart me off to the hospital.It took two solid weeks before I was able to bend my wrist without pain. Sometimes double pawed cats look like they have mittens or baseball mitts for front feet and I knew a Siamese once that had ten toes on each back foot, which is extreme and very unusual, not to mention very bizarre looking! Hemingway had a bunch of these double pawed cats, that's why any cat which displays this feature is sometimes called a Hemingway Cat

Directory of in silico Drug Design tools

MetaPrint2D is a tool that predicts xenobiotic metabolism through data-mining and statistical analysis of known metabolic transformations reported in scientific literature. In addition to several filtering criteria regarding structural and sequence features, the software allows for placing the loop within the predicted membrane-water interface

Ground Water in Freshwater-Saltwater Environments of the Atlantic Coast

Previous research has indicated that there are several paths by which saltwater might contaminate individual aquifers within the multilayered aquifer system, including lateral intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico and leakage between aquifers. Alteration of the south Florida hydrologic system over the past 100 years has had severe environmental effects beyond those of lowered ground-water levels and saltwater intrusion

As discovered by Watson and Crick fifty years ago, this genetic information is stored in the sequence of adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine bases in the DNA. In the stomach, protein chains bind in the deep active site groove of pepsin, seen in the upper illustration (from PDB entry 5pep), and are broken into smaller pieces

The Origin and Evolution of Cells - The Cell - NCBI Bookshelf

Ground tissue also contains two specialized cell types (collenchyma cells and sclerenchyma cells) that are characterized by thick cell walls and provide structural support to the plant. How did this first cell develop? And how did the complexity and diversity exhibited by present-day cells evolve?Table 1.1Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Moreover, it is a curious and tragic fact that even superb substitute parenting work is low in value and remuneration, while the outcome for succeeding generations of humanity is inestimable. Finally, parents need patience, flexibility, and to be goal-oriented -- personal sources of support -- and they must command an ability to extract pleasure from their encounters with children

Although cities are the main motors of economic growth, and in general, urban populations have better access to services, there is evidence that urban poverty is becoming as severe as rural poverty, as informal settlement residents do not benefit from the advantages of living in the city (UN-Habitat, 2006). This paper argues that the lack of understanding of these places is reflected in discourses in which particular narratives dominate, containing some problematic assumptions

Rousseau: Social Contract: Book III

THE MARKS OF A GOOD GOVERNMENT THE question "What absolutely is the best government?" is unanswerable as well as indeterminate; or rather, there are as many good answers as there are possible combinations in the absolute and relative situations of all nations.But if it is asked by what sign we may know that a given people is well or ill governed, that is another matter, and the question, being one of fact, admits of an answer.It is not, however, answered, because everyone wants to answer it in his own way. Law being purely the declaration of the general will, it is clear that, in the exercise of the legislative power, the people cannot be represented; but in that of the executive power, which is only the force that is applied to give the law effect, it both can and should be represented

A Structural Theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy -- Science of the Spirit -- Sott.net

The shame-prone individual who is ready to experience setbacks as narcissistic injuries and to respond to them with insatiable rage does not recognize his opponent as a center of independent initiative with whom he happens to be at cross-purposes. They also become great fantasists because when they are not directly involved with the narcissistic parent, they are creating a world for themselves where they receive love and attention for whatever marvelous qualities

Origin of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Origin of Prokaryotes

Another theory, called the heterotroph hypothesis, suggests that the aquatic environment was full of organic molecules, including ATP, which were then absorbed into the cell for cellular functions. Bacteria appear to be simpler than archaea because they do not possess certain advanced structures typical in archaea, such as the complex RNA polymerase, the presence of interons, and branched carbon chains in lipid membranes, as well as some internal membranes

Evolution: Glossary

homeobox: Homeoboxes are relatively short (approximately 180 base pair) sequences of DNA, characteristic of some homeotic genes (which play a central role in controlling body development). (Less formally, according to Medawar's definition, a virus is "a piece of bad news wrapped in a protein.") vitamin A: A member of a chemically heterogeneous class of organic compounds that are essential, in small quantities, for life

If these turn out to be fossils (and as of 2002 it seems likely they are NOT), then the bacterial form of life would have existed simultaneously on both Earth and Mars. Treponema pallidum remains in the body, and so may begin to damage internal organs, suc as the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints

Autoinducer molecules (which include certain peptides and compounds known as homoserine lactones) can interact with specific repressor or activator sequences in DNA. Disruption of the interdomain interface frees the DNA-binding domain, allowing it to dimerize in tandem on direct repeat DNA half-sites with symmetry that is different from that of the regulatory domain dimer

Carbon is the fundamental building block of all the organic compounds needed by living things, including nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For example, Neisseria meningitidis ferments glucose and maltose, but not sucrose and lactose, while Neisseria gonorrhoea ferments glucose, but not maltose, sucrose or lactose

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