Hi Rachel,You can use the same code which I had for the image the only change is, I had used Image datatype for field and you have to use VarBinary(Max) datatype for doc or docx file. Can you please let me know how to write sql script to store a word document as blob using base64 encoding in the oracle databse.I need to insert few documents at one shot as a part of initializing my application using this script
Either because you already have the data in a table, as in the case of table-valued parameters, or you skip the table entirely as you do with dynamic SQL or when you use many parameters. As I discussed above in the section Inline, Multi-Statement and Temp Tables, inline T-SQL functions gives the optimizer a degree of freedom which is not really good for its health
sql server - Combine column from multiple rows into single row - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
CLR function will be reusable in other queries, and you won't have to duplicate (and debug) a complex subquery every time you need to do this type of thing. EDIT: Well, I went to try to see if this actually was better, and it turns out the requirement that the comments be in a specific order is currently not possible to satisfy using an aggregate function
DTS used to be able to handle this perfectly well and so did the Microsoft ISAM Jet driver (importing with SQL Sever 2000, SQL Server 7, MS Access or MS Excel up to v.2007 works). i need to find difference for uniqueID in Hours between two dates(where most of the time two dates can be the same date or different), and am using DATEDIFF function
Combine Multiple Rows into One Row using SQL Server
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SQL Server Forums - Concatenate multiple rows into one column?
I want to create a query that takes the info from the child table (possibly multiple rows) and concatenates it into a single column in the parent table
I've tried this code, to no avail: DECLARE @blah TABLE ( ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @blah (ID, Name) VALUES (123, 'Timmy') VALUES (124, 'Jonny') VALUES (125, 'Sally') SELECT * FROM @blah I'm getting Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'. please, someone who has done this before, help me out :) INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (ID, Name) VALUES (123, 'Timmy'), (124, 'Jonny'), (125, 'Sally') I know that this is close to the right syntax
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INSERT INTO using SELECT and values, and inserting multiple rows - Microsoft SQL Server
I suggest you post your (fully explained) question (that can potentially include a link to this thread) in a new thread which will be dedicated to answering your problem. However, there are two different ways of specifying where the data should come FROM :SELECT and FROM clauses with other optional clauses just like a standard SELECT query
Insert multiple values using INSERT INTO (SQL Server 2005) - Stack Overflow
The help documentation I found in SQL Server Management Studio looks like it's for SQL Server 2008, so perhaps that's the reason that the insert doesn't work. When I looked up the help for INSERT in SQL Sever Management Studio, one of their examples showed using the "Values" syntax that I used (with groups of values in parentheses and separated by commas)
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