City of Green Bay Gives Flex Time for Half Marathon Training ByLiam Boylan-Pett Employees who are running the race have been given flexible Wednesday hours. In Teen's Debut, Father and Stepson Are Perfect Marathon Pacers ByAlison Wade Leading the 4:00 group at the Missoula Marathon, Dean McGovern and River Nuzzo run 3:59:07
Why A Harley Davidson Isn'
It is a sad, pale product that captures very little of the American experience and doesn't come anywhere near what a real American motorcycle should be. These are the images that come to mind when I think of a Harley: Redneck, trailer park, cheap beer, truck stops, bad country music, pickup trucks, tattoos up one arm and down the other, leather wallet on a chain, Rottweilers as pets, German W.W.II helmet with the spike on top, murals on the tank, trailer parks, Grim Reaper, uncut beard, Hell's Angels, Nazis, smoke filled bars, knife hidden in the boot, American flag bandanna, huge belt buckle, leather saddlebags, tassels, wannabe rider
Arts -
Undercover' Detox From Their Devices You Have First World Problems, Now Experience First World Hell After A Miscarriage, Mom Encourages Others To 'Talk About The Baby' Meet The 'Very Friendly People' Of 'Fargo' In First Season 2 Trailer 4 things you should do when you're told 'Black Lives Matter' What's happening now with the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa? Time to start building a future
Valleywag - Sorry to disrupt.
The automaker was struggling to take orders, produce, and deliver the first batch of Model S sedans, and those that did roll out of the factory were of dubious build quality at best
Conservative Columnists with Political News Commentary, Analysis
In nine of the last 10 presidential elections, Florida has voted for the overall winning candidate making Florida the most influential swing state in the country. John Kass: Evil With Salad and a Nice Red Wine When we think of evil, we think of something violent or demonic, something filled with hatred and wretchedly hungry to devour the good
But if I were to say, my fellow citizens, that we shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control station in Houston, a giant rocket more than 300 feet tall, the length of this football field, made of new metal alloys, some of which have not yet been invented, capable of standing heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced, fitted together with a precision better than the finest watch, carrying all the equipment needed for propulsion, guidance, control, communications, food and survival, on an untried mission, to an unknown celestial body, and then return it safely to earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per hour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun--almost as hot as it is here today--and do all this, and do it right, and do it first before this decade is out--then we must be bold. We have felt the ground shake and the air shattered by the testing of a Saturn C-1 booster rocket, many times as powerful as the Atlas which launched John Glenn, generating power equivalent to 10,000 automobiles with their accelerators on the floor
television debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show." The ceremony also came synergistically just two days after the release of McCartney's latest album, "Kisses on the Bottom," a collection of mostly pre-rock pop songs he loved as a child, supplemented by two originals. "Once you say that you can change anything." Smith led Young through other songs on the album--the Silhouettes 1957 doo-wop hit "Get A Job," Billy Edd Wheeler's "High Flying Bird." "Thinking about how I first heard that song," Young said, "started off this album
The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Alabama Media Group. Yeldon's virtual NFL rookie card More in Crimson Tide More Alabama sports Top small forward Braxton Blackwell has Alabama in top 6 Best college football games of the 2015 season, week by week Watch T.J
Conspiracy Theorist Convinces Neil Armstrong Moon Landing Was Faked - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
"He'll answer any questions you have." To conclude the press conference, Armstrong showed reporters footage of his first steps on the moon to demonstrate that the most daming evidence was "right under our noses." Speeding up the tape and replaying the graceful moonwalk several times in a row, Armstrong explained that the iconic images of humanity's triumphant dance with the cosmos was actually just a film of him walking backwards, slowed down, and played in reverse. Toddlers Attending Online Preschool Popular New Exercise App Just Tells Users They Ran 5 Miles A Day No Matter What Popular New Exercise App Just Tells Users They Ran 5 Miles A Day No Matter What Pfizer Releases Vintage Cask-Aged Robitussin Pfizer Releases Vintage Cask-Aged Robitussin 50 Years Of Climate Change, Habitat Loss Somehow Unable To Take Down Goddamned Parrotfish 50 Years Of Climate Change, Habitat Loss Somehow Unable To Take Down Goddamned Parrotfish NASA Administrator Resigns After Leak Of Offensive Anti-Moon Email NASA Administrator Resigns After Leak Of Offensive Anti-Moon Email Mars Maven Begins Mission To Take Thousands Of High-Resolution Desktop Backgrounds Mars Maven Begins Mission To Take Thousands Of High-Resolution Desktop Backgrounds iPhone 6 Plus vs
The Moon, Alien Presence on the Moon?-UFO Casebook Files
In a future issue of the journal Icarus, Buratti reports a fresh impact scar at the site of the 1953 flash on images collected by the Clementine spacecraft as it orbited the Moon in 1994. As it turned out at the briefing where many NASA scientists were present, when Richard Hoagland had requested originals of the Castle pictures for the second time, no pictures were found there at all
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