I want to use a Stored Procedure instead of a SQL Query which helps in executing result faster and give me data without causing delays in my Excel spreadsheet. I just want it put in excel, and do not want anyone to have access to the server, besides the query being run from a desktop workstation having MS office 2003
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951 5,296 2 days ago @ 12:38 AM In: RE: Virtual server By Blackdog Employers and Employees Opinions and questions about interactions with employees and employers. 58 731 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4:39 AM In: RE: Movie Rental Database By Grant Fritchey Hardware Discussions about SQL Server hardware and sizing your servers
Convert Text to Int - Microsoft SQL Server
I am guessing that: the error message is incorrect and that actually this field is of type varchar or similar, or the creator of this table made some careless error in using a text field to hold string data that might be converted to numeric data type. The average of a bunch of integers will be integer as well; if you want a result with decimals, you'll have to use a datatype with decimals (such as decimal(5,2), which specifies 3 digits to the left and 2 to the right of the decimal point)
In short, the string can be numeric but might not be convertible to an integer; the ISNUMERIC function is limited in the sense that it can tell you only whether the string can be converted to any numeric data type. Using T-SQL to Check for Numeric Data Types The T-SQL ISNUMERIC function checks a data string to determine whether the string can be converted to a numeric data type
Convert MySQL to MS Sql Server
It has just recently gotten around to MVCC (which MySQL, PostgreSQL and of course Oracle have had for a long time), and MS suggests not necessarily using MVCC in its current implementation for performance reasons
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