Welcom to Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS)
Ms Rokeya Kabir, Executive Director, BNPS and Chairperson of ADAB (Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh) has been selected as Member of UN Women Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Advisory Group. The BNPS representative team has submitted a memorandum to CEC to ensure an environment free from all types of fear and violence so that women, marginalized and poor people can cast their votes freely, and the candidates can run their campaign for the upcoming City Corporation Election which is going to be held on April 28, 2015 at Dhaka (North and South) and Chittagong megacity
Strategies to Reduce Exclusion among Populations Living in Urban Slum Settlements in Bangladesh
This indicates a huge unmet need for safe housing to accommodate this population.In short, very little progress has been made in terms of implementing the National Housing Policy with property rights still insecure for people who live in slum settlements, and policies and plans remaining fragmented and uncoordinated (4). One young mother reported that her son studied in a government school but they did not let the school know her slum settlement address as she feared that the school authorities would ask her son to leave
On realization of this reality, the Government of Bangladesh has undertaken a lot of plans and programs for disaster reduction through disaster management. The country is well within the tropics and is the largest delta in the world formed by the mighty rivers namely the Ganges, the Brahamaputra and the Meghna
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USAID sponsored the development, production and broadcasting of an eight-episode legal drama series for television entitled "Scales of Justice." Four episodes of this television series focused on legal procedures for cases of domestic violence and rape. This activity combines strengthening women's rights to land to promote economic growth and legislative strengthening to promote property and other laws more supportive of women's rights and needs
WomenWatch: UN Information and Resources on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
UNFPA, 6 July 2015 Guatemala's Ministry of Agriculture approves first-ever Policy on Gender Equality For the first time in its history, Guatemala's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food has a comprehensive Policy on Gender Equality. UN, 31 May 2015 Reflecting Global Change for Women in Business and Management Earlier this year, the ILO Bureau for Employers' Activities launched its report on Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum
The trade barriers that have been erected at the border of many developing countries undermine the rule of law by encouraging corruption by customs authorities and skimming off tariff revenue away from the government. To multiply the impact of emergency shelter interventions, we advocate for new approaches to shelter assistance, namely settlements planning and behavior change methodologies
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We have more than 100 current international development projects worldwide, including projects in Iraq, Jordan, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Pakistan, Colombia, Paraguay and Kenya
GSDRC: Social and economic empowerment
It suggests that social protection needs to move beyond risk management and safety nets to support productive or developmental trajectories out of poverty that can strengthen citizenship rights and claims to security. Access full text: available online Land and property rights Land and property rights, especially for women, are considered an important way of addressing underlying economic, social and political inequalities
Women Empowerment in Bangladesh - Assignment Point
Up to 2001, in five years totally 45,443 tortures on women took place among which there were 14128 rape case, 649 acid throwing, 1293 seriously injured and 29036 casualties. Article 28(4): Nothing in this article shall prevent the state from making special provision in favour of women children or for the advancement of any backward section of citizens
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News and Event Runa Khan joins the collective voice for Char People at 1st National Char Convention 2015 Runa Khan, Founder and Executive Director of Friendship, has attended the 1st National Char
More A call to governments "Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality" is a new UN Women initiative urging governments to make national commitments to ensure women and girls can reach their full potential by 2030. More In Focus: Women and Armed Conflict This month we examine the differentiated impact of conflict on women and the need to ensure that women have a central role in peacebuilding
Blinkered inspection approach could obscure quality of work to tackle child abuse The true quality of activity to tackle child abuse and neglect across the country could be being obscured because of Ofsted's blinkered approach to inspecting children's services, local government leaders are warning today. A million unemployed people receiving no government help into work, councils warn More than a million unemployed people are falling through cracks in national work schemes that are failing to reach some of the most vulnerable jobseekers, councils warn today
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