In your own time 35 Comments 20 Jul 16:34 Fondleslab, wristjob action just not doing it for Apple right now Company in entirely expected Q3 sales news shocker! 15 Comments 20 Jul 12:07 Oi, Europe: join in the sharing economy fun, yells Dept publishes important 'non-paper' on the sharing economy 10 Comments 20 Jul 11:52 Strategy: Key to success or a set of MBA-made handcuffs Reg Roundtable Possibly the most abused word in this industry
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Name: * Email Address: * By signing-up, you agree that EXPANSYS PLC and their respective group of companies can contact you from time to time by email, phone, post, SMS or MMS with information on products, services and offers
Can - definition of can by The Free Dictionary
ability: 'be able to' after other verbsBe able to is sometimes used after modals such as might or should, and after verbs such as want, hope, or expect.I might be able to help you.You may be able to get extra money.You should be able to see that from here.She would not be able to go out alone.Do you really expect to be able to do that?Don't use can or could after any other verbs.7. It could be a toadstool.He was jailed in February, and could be released next year.Might and may can be used in a similar way.It might be a trap.Kathy's career may be ruined.See might - mayBe Careful!Don't use 'could not' to say that there is a possibility that something is not true
Careers - Fortune
July 17, 2015, 10:46 AM EDT document.write( '' ); July 17, 2015, 8:30 AM EDT document.write( 'Is there an Asian quota in the Ivy League?' ); Is there an Asian quota in the Ivy League? Critics say there is an unspoken quota imposed on the number of Asian American students admitted to elite universities. Search Quick Links: Brainstorm Tech Commentary Leadership millennials broadsheet Great Workplaces College Careers document.write( '' ); July 21, 2015, 2:08 PM EDT document.write( 'Parents are shelling out more money for kids to attend college' ); Parents are shelling out more money for kids to attend college More financing from the Bank of Mom and Dad
Can't get enough Futurama: Futurama News
well, ever.' is available in ebook and primitive paper format and definitely worth your time!There is also a brilliant 'choose your own story' trailer(s) by Eric which you should check out. But here it is now: "Since the Futurama series finale airs later today, I just wanted to pass along my sincere thanks to Futurama fans everywhere for sticking with us throughout our circuitous journey
BashFAQ - Greg's Wiki
How can I avoid losing any history lines? This method is designed to allow you to store a complete log of all commands executed by a friendly user; it is not meant for secure auditing of commands - see securing bash against history removal. mktemp exists more widely (but still not ubiquitously), but it may require a -c switch to create the file in advance; or it may create the file by default and barf if -c is supplied
They chase after their abstract ideals of interface without thinking how people actually use the programs, or how it feels to stare at blank color tiles all day.I am not about to defend apple's bookshelf, or the paper tear lines on iCal - that's just tacky. It confuses my brain? It's all skeuomorphism! Modelling real life.Shading, shadows and gloss adds depth, it makes everything stand out, easier to recognize, touchable
Indeed, the design team is said to have followed an unwritten rule to move away from their work whenever the famously brusque Jobs entered the studio and turn up the volume so as to make his criticisms less audible, less likely to throw them off course. Apple was treating computers and media devices as tools, as more than just wires and RAM shoved in a box; they were not so much minimal devices as devices that coordinate functions
Read more Published 15 days ago by Amazon Customer Five Stars everything went very well! Published 20 days ago by ricardo romero Great !! This is Everything I expect from Apple Published 1 month ago by Pamela Criswell EZ It is EZ to work. It runs it masterfully.I was also impressed that all of the iLife suite is now included for free! That is the equivalent of Windows throwing Microsoft Office for free....except that the Mac software makes Office look ancient
Apple CEO Steve Jobs Live at D8 - John Paczkowski - D8 - AllThingsD
What happens sometimes is that some people lie, we find it, and reject it, and they run to the press, and get their 15 minutes of fame and hope it will get us to change our minds. 7:25 pm: What do you imagine the next 10 years of your life is going to be about? Oddly Jobs replies with a comment about Gizmodo and the lost iPhone prototype
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