Tuesday 21 July 2015

Where did the term butterfly effect come from

Top sites by search query "where did the term butterfly effect come from"

By the same token, we need to say that given the way the economy is growing, given the way the risks have been accumulating and are continuing to accumulate in the economy, unless reforms are implemented to redirect the economy to a somewhat safer growth path, the risk of a hard landing will continue to increase.... A proliferation of crop-eating locusts (after the sparrows had been killed off) and the diversion of farm workers to industrial and public works projects led to a collapse in crop yields

The precise approach to this could take multiple forms, with the task falling primarily to the international level at one extreme, and domestic institutions at the other. The nine-state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) also provide evidence that the fifty states are capable of crafting their own climate change plans moulded to the particularities of their geography, resources, and region

William Wordsworth : The Poetry Foundation

In December he met and fell in love with Annette Vallon, and at the beginning of 1792 he became the close friend of an intellectual and philosophical army officer, Michel Beaupuy, with whom he discussed politics. Politically, Wordsworth had completely transformed himself; poetically, he repeated earlier formulas and began rearranging his poems in a seemingly infinite sequence of thematically organized volumes

DO - definition of DO by The Free Dictionary

(takes an infinitive without to) used as an auxiliary before a negative adverb to form negative statements or commands: he does not like cheese; do not leave me here alone!. After do, you put is or was and an infinitive with or without to.For example, instead of saying 'Carolyn opened a bookshop', you can say 'What Carolyn did was to open a bookshop' or 'What Carolyn did was open a bookshop'.What Stephen did was to interview a lot of teachers.What it does is draw out all the vitamins from the body.You can use all instead of 'what' if you want to emphasize that just one thing is done and nothing else.All he did was shake hands and wish me luck.All she ever does is make jam.4

A Word from Our Sponsor - The New Yorker

Affiliates such as WNET are almost entirely dependent on gifts, some of which are sizable: in 2010, WNET received fifteen million dollars from James Tisch, the C.E.O. In a recent phone interview, Neal Shapiro, the president of WNET, said that he grew concerned about the film, which he had not yet watched, after Ira Stoll, a conservative writer, lambasted it in the Post

Sometimes the 4th or 5th dose of DTaP vaccine is followed by swelling of the entire arm or leg in which the shot was given, for 1 to 7 days (up to about 1 child in 30). If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.) Top of Page DTaP vaccine side-effects (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis) What are the risks from DTaP vaccine? Getting diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis disease is much riskier than getting DTaP vaccine

(used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an): the book you gave me; Come into the house. See that Pronunciation note Expand As shown above, the pronunciation of the definite article the changes, primarily depending on whether the following sound is a consonant or a vowel

citizens we have enjoyed the blessings of tremendous freedom, but we have turned so many of these blessings into idols that have replaced You in our hearts. Grant us to know Your truth, for that alone will truly set us free from these idols of sin to which we have become enslaved: FREEDOM OF SPEECH has been replaced with the idols of selfishness, bitterness and cruelty

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post

The multiplier for tax transfers is estimated to be between 0.02 and 0.06, and the multiplier for government purchases is around 0.06, though Oh and Reis emphasize that a more detailed look suggest transfers are slightly more stimulative than purchases. Second, he calculates the amount of the stimulus devoted to state and local or federal spending, and concludes the federal spending provisions are too strong to have had a meaningful effect

The Long Term Effects of Abortion on Women

Most of them had thoughts and flashbacks that were triggered by everyday things, such as hearing news about abortions, friends who have children, seeing children play, etc. Doing a study like this has many variables; however, even after a control range of these variables there remained the link between abortion and substance abuse

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Effect - definition of effect by The Free Dictionary

To affect someone or something means to cause them to change, often in a negative way.There are many ways in which computers can affect our lives.The disease affected Jane's lungs.2. Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention: The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.b

The Butterfly Effect (2004) - IMDb

Here, Will Salas finds himself accused of murder and on the run with a hostage - a connection that becomes an important part of the way against the system. However, since this film was fairly low-budget, the filmmakers were not able to afford this kind of equipment and the two identical shots were achieved by manually moving the camera while using a stopwatch for reference

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