So we shouldn't be saying things like a particle can be in two places at once nor the cat is both alive and dead when the truth is that the particle isn't anywhere at all, and the cat's fate doesn't exist. Besides, I am of the true Church, and I am against such a thing as to think you can play with God, in such a way as this, especially when NASA does not comply with the true Catholic Church either on some issues, such as what happens to men when they go outside the atmosphere into space..
Voyager - The Interstellar Mission
In August 2012, Voyager 1 made the historic entry into interstellar space, the region between stars, filled with material ejected by the death of nearby stars millions of years ago. If the outside particles show a sudden increase and the inside particles a sudden decrease, and these levels hold steady, the spacecraft are closing in on the edge of interstellar space
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Hell - OnFaith
But more recently, the challenges have come from those who take the authority of Bible quite seriously, and argue their case on biblical as well as theological and philosophical grounds. I say this as one who has written a book defending eternal hell, numerous articles and a more recent book defending eternal hell along with heaven, and a Protestant account of purgatory
Army Corps of Engineers Conceptual Site plan A swath of freezing fog blanketed Salt Lake City on the morning of January 6, 2011, mixing with a weeklong coating of heavy gray smog. But in reality there would be two tracks, one unclassified, in which all of the scientific work would be public, and another top-secret, in which the NSA could pursue its own computer covertly
Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There - Is There a God
After about a year of persistent questioning, she responded to God's offer to come into her life and has found faith in Him to be constantly substantiated and greatly rewarding. Sexuality Gay, lesbian, God's love 19 men later Romances with wolves Sex and the search for intimacy Hope for a lasting marriage? Toxic porn: toxic sex more..
We all know that information is beyond physics, our minds, our brains don't grow as we learn more and absorb more information, in fact our brain cells die pretty quickly as we really start expanding our knowledge base. Certainly, the Big Bang theory with explosion, expansion and shrinking in infinite cycles would do, is that right? Question 2, space: our universe has defined limits, good enough, what about a possible outside of our universe? Ok, putting it simple, this projection of a holographic universe from a black hole gives us the possibility of projecting many universes, possibly an infinite number of them
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