2014 Ozone Hole Update - NASA Science
See also NASA's Ozone Hole Watch website The single-day maximum area was similar to that in 2013, which reached 24.0 million square kilometers (9.3 million square miles). Scientists from NASA and NOAA have been monitoring the ozone layer and the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances and their breakdown products from the ground and with a variety of instruments on satellites and balloons since the 1970s
CFCs escaping from airconditioners and refrigerators in the nothern hemisphere sneaking down to the antarctic where these rather heavy molecules were magically lifted up against gravity to go up into the stratosphere where they were disassociated into chlorine atoms while ocean spray chlorine ions were washed out of the atmosphere by rain just like the chlorine atoms injected into the stratosphere by an active volcano down there. Surely, if we calculate the volume of ozone in the collar we could see if it can be distributed over the hole demonstrating how much, if any, ozone has been actually lost
Nevertheless, during the 1970s it was realised that man-made emissions of CFCs and other chemicals used in refrigeration, aerosols and cleansing agents may cause a significant destruction of ozone in the stratosphere, thereby letting through more of the harmful ultraviolet radiation. Finally, we should all be aware that whilst emissions of ozone depleters are now being controlled, the ozone layer is not likely to fully repair itself for several decades
HVAC Secret: An Air Conditioner Loophole the Size of the Ozone Hole
Can air conditioning make you go blind? As I've mentioned here before, my connection to the world of heating and air conditioning contractors goes way back. My grandfather had a heating, AC, plumbing, and electrical business (Bailes Electric) in Leesville, Louisiana, and I used to spend my teenage summers going out on calls with him and my uncle all day long
The Environmental Protection Agency projects more than 60 million additional cases of skin cancer, 17 million additional cases of cataracts, and about 1 million additional deaths among Americans born by the year 2075 if CFC usage continues at its present rate. Scientists predict that, beyond the health risks to humans, a prolonged increase of UV-B rays could set in motion far-reaching and unpredictable ecological changes
Ozone layer - RationalWiki
In an identical fashion, it was realized that the surfaces of individual cloud particles could enable reactions that otherwise would not take place in the stratosphere. Forms of chlorine (HCl and ClONO2) that do not affect ozone can react on the surfaces of these PSC's and produce chlorine products that can catalytically destroy ozone
Ozone layer hole: How its discovery changed our lives - BBC News
Australian cricketer Shane Warne even wore zinc oxide sun block in Manchester in 1993 Before 1985, most people saw the primary aim of a holiday abroad as being to return to the UK with your skin roasted. "Antipodean cricketing, rugby and tennis stars were suddenly turning up at Lord's, Twickenham and Wimbledon wearing what appeared to be battle paint.It was, of course, zinc oxide sun block
Therefore, and I am sure that Al Gore does not know that, the more humans there are on Earth and the more CO2 they produce, the more Ozone there will be and the more all life on Earth will be protected against cancer-causing UV radiation. Who would have guessed Steve Schaper says: October 7, 2011 at 10:47 am Would not the water bound to sulfur be a more likely source for the 03? Even the ice moons have very tenuous oxygen atmospheres
News Story - 30th Anniversary of the Discovery of Ozone Hole - British Antarctic Survey
The hole itself begins to form when sunlight returns at the end of the Antarctic winter, and reaches its largest extent every September, before disappearing again by mid summer. In May 1985 reporting in Nature, Joe Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin described their observations of large losses of ozone over Antarctica
Above the North Pole, however, ozone loss is highly variable and has, until now, been much more limited, writes the international research team led by Gloria Manney of the California Institute of Technology. Global warming is implicated in the loss of Arctic ozone because greenhouse gases trap energy lower down, heating up the atmosphere nearer the ground but cooling the stratosphere, creating conditions conducive to the formation of the reactive chemicals that break apart the three-oxygen molecules of ozone
What is Damaging the Ozone Layer
However, it was still used in some other products and industrial processes and CFC production in the UK did not finally come to an end until 2000.Scientists now expect that bromine levels will peak before 2010 and then begin to drop but since a high proportion come from uncontrolled or natural sources, such as the sea, it will take many years for levels to drop significantly. Ozone Depleting Substances CFCs, which contain carbon, chloride and fluorine are now known to damage the Ozone Layer but there are a number of other industrial processes and man-made chemicals which also cause damage
WebLessons: Fixing the Ozone Hole
What is the relationship between the temperature in the Antarctic and the size of the ozone hole? Answer: When the temperatures drop to their lowest levels, more ozone is destroyed, so the hole gets larger. Why was the ozone layer getting thin? What caused the hole? How big is it today? What are people doing to stop it? You will explore this scientific puzzle in this lesson, and you will find out how you can help protect the ozone
Ozone Depletion Information, Ozone Depletion Facts, Ozone Layer, Ozone Hole - National Geographic
This is what some people erroneously refer to as the "ozone hole." In other regions, the ozone layer has deteriorated by about 20 percent.About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe
The hole occurs over Antarctica because the extreme cold helps the very high clouds characteristic of that area form tiny ice particles of water and nitric acid, which facilitate the chemical reactions involved. When the Antarctic spring sun rises in August or September and hits the trapped chemicals, a chain reaction begins in which chlorine, bromine (from the halons), and ice crystals react with the ozone and destroy it very quickly
How does the ozone layer protect Earth from radiation?
The southern hemisphere has been affected more by ozone depletion than the northern hemisphere due to several geophysical and atmospheric factors which have lead to the annual appearance of the ozone hole over Antarctica. For consecutive clear sky days, large but natural changes in ozone levels in the stratosphere above cities can affect the solar UVR at the surface significantly
UN Panel: Ozone Layer on the Road to Recovery : Image of the Day
Stratospheric ozone is typically measured in Dobson Units (DU), the number of molecules required to create a layer of pure ozone 0.01 millimeters thick at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and an air pressure of 1 atmosphere (the pressure at the surface of the Earth). The abundance of most ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere has dropped since the last assessment in 2010, and stratospheric ozone depletion has leveled off and is showing some signs of recovery
In 1992, reacting to the latest scientific assessment of the ozone layer, the Parties to the Protocol decided to completely end production of halons by the beginning of 1994 and of CFCs by the beginning of 1996 in developed countries. UVB has been linked to many harmful effects, including various types of skin cancer, cataracts, and harm to some crops, certain materials, and some forms of marine life
Saving the ozone was literally the first thing the whole world ever agreed on: A treaty banning CFCs was the first agreement ever to be ratified by every country in the United Nations
Then I did a really careful calibration and found a pattern: every spring a major hole appeared in the ozone layer over the Antarctic, one that was getting bigger and bigger each year. Within a few years of the discovery it was agreed to set up the Montreal Protocol, which banned the manmade chemicals responsible for depleting ozone in the upper atmosphere
After making revisions, the author submits the article back to the journal editor, who can then accept the article, reject it, or send it back for another round of review. They also asked how Americans would go about putting sunscreen and hats on cows and stalks of corn, since plants and animals are adversely affected by UV light, as well
Good news: The hole in the ozone layer is finally starting to heal - Vox
Under the Montreal Protocol of 1987, the world's nations agreed to phase out the use of CFCs in refrigerators, spray cans, insulation foam and fire suppression. Unexpected side effects of the Montreal Protocol Giant tabular icebergs are surrounded by ice floe drift in Vincennes Bay on January 11, 2008 in the Australian Antarctic Territory
Another story goes that the TOMS satellite data didn't show the dramatic loss of ozone because the software processing the raw ozone data from the satellite was programmed to treat very low values of ozone as bad readings! Later analysis of the raw data when the results from the British Antarctic Survey team were published, confirmed their results and showed that the loss was rapid and large-scale; over most of the Antarctica continent. CFC's are a common industrial product, used in refrigeration systems, air conditioners, aerosols, solvents and in the production of some types of packaging
The Ozone Hole-The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
At meetings in London (1990), Copenhagen (1992), Vienna (1995), Montreal (1997) and Beijing (1999) amendments were adopted that were designed to speed up the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances. Furthermore, without the trade sanctions, there would be economic incentives for non-signatories to increase production, damaging the competitiveness of the industries in the signatory nations as well as decreasing the search for less damaging CFC alternatives
The Ozone Hole
Scientific theory and evidence suggest that, once emitted to the atmosphere, these compounds could significantly deplete the stratospheric ozone layer that shields the planet from damaging UV-B radiation. The Ozone Hole About Us Awards Donate Contact Us Site Map News Links Ozone Hole History Montreal Protocol Ozone Hole 2006 Ozone hole 2014 Arctic Ozone Hole The Ozone Hole For nearly a billion years, ozone molecules in the atmosphere have protected life on Earth from the effects of ultraviolet rays
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