Tuesday 21 July 2015

Sql server 2005 alter table change column name

Top sites by search query "sql server 2005 alter table change column name"

sql server - Why does simple ALTER TABLE command take so long on table with full-text index? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange

I'm not sure what your application requirements are but an approach that would make the schema change faster is to add it in as a nullable column with no default value and then perform an update in batches to assign 0 as the value for the column. In SQL Server 2012 the operation is much faster, see Online non-NULL with values column add in SQL Server 11 as it only updates the metadata of the table and does not actually update any row

However, using the ALTER TABLE command does impact data availability, so you probably don't want to use it during regular work hours or if you have millions of rows in your table. Typically, I'd recommend using the ALTER TABLE option, especially if you have only a few thousand rows of data, because this solution doesn't affect permissions

SQL Server 2005 drop column with constraints - Stack Overflow

what hasn't been mentioned here yet, is that indexes also make dropping a column fail, so you also need to drop all indexes that use your column before you can proceed with dropping a column. Don't you think? I don't know if it's with Oracle or MySQL but it's possible to do something like: DROP COLUMN xxx CASCADE CONSTRAINTS And it drops all related constraints..

I changed the database collation to the correct one and when I ran the process it created a new database and assigned the default (correct) collation to all the columns. If you have any good idea about this subject, I encourage you to write down good small post about the subject and I publish as blog post with due credit to you along with your contact info

Related Categories: Management Studio, SQLServer, SQLServer 2005, SQLServer 2008, SQLServer 2008 R2, SQLServer 2012, Working With Data Comments (1) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment Trackback Suyog Swami March 26, 2015 at 7:44 am Reply Hello, Is there a query to rename a column in SQL Server 2008 rather than using a stored procedure ? I have been using the following alter queries but those does not work for me. When renaming a column you need to specify table name.column name optionally you can also prefix schema name @newname New name for the specified object @objtype Type of the object

SQL Alter Column Name

what is the solution tell me Vijayakanth August 11, 2012 Sql What is the command to change a column name in a table? vikash mishra August 23, 2012 information sql this site is very good and all information meet in this site thanks Aftab Alam September 4, 2012 rename of column is not working Rename of column is not working, Can u please send me any other query so that it will work

Question: how do I discern between "user-generated statistics" and "query optimizer generated statistics"? As a T-SQL "IF" statement would be ideal, because I want to make my alter table command conditional upon this

The replication of schema changes is activated, and the replication has been running for years, including frequent schema changes (new column, new constraints, etc)

SQL Server Forums - Alter table - Add new column in between..

Make sure you run it in pieces.Here is the code: USE Northwind GO PRINT 'This script attempts to reorder a column by updating the system tables themselves. For any column, it is the number of columns in that table with colid's not greater than its own colid.I use similar logic all the time to calculate rankings, with the rank of a given record being 1 + the number of higher-valued records

Imagine we have the same case as explained above( 20 tables with same columns ), so we want to change the name of each tables to the same name which is in first row of Third column of each table. just post here because:- 1) it will be have more visibility and more quick chance to reply 2) I have configured this blog in my office mail so I will get it in my office mail box automatically whenever there is new item added

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