Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Linq to sql delete all records in a table

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SQL DELETE Statement

Below is a selection from the "Customers" table: CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country 1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str

The advantage of the Repository pattern is that it enables us to easily change database access technologies in the future and it enables us to easily test our controller classes. You can drag database tables from the Server Explorer window onto the Object Relational Designer to create LINQ to SQL Classes that represent particular database tables

The application provides the following functionality: Return Full Tables Return Typed Lists Return Single Typed Values Insert Data Update Data Delete Data Execute Stored Procedures Select Filtered Lists Select Ordered Lists Perform Aggregate Functions There is a great deal more that one can do with LINQ to SQL that is not contained in this demonstration however, the demonstration was geared towards the mechanics of performing the most typical types of queries that might be required within a data driven application

While emptying tables, sometimes we need to reset the SEED value of identity fields which the TRUNCATE command does it for us and DELETE command does not. But as it seems to be this task is not that much easy and trivial because usually there exists so many Primary Key-Foreign Key relationships between parent and child tables at many levels in such types of applications

When a person's details is displayed, you can change the values in the text boxes, and press the updateButton to update the corresponding record in the database. We set the currentIndex to the value of the maxIndex, called DisableButtons method, and print a success message telling that the adding of the new record to the database was successful

My degrees are in Math (BA and MA) and Physics (BA) and in addition to this blog and my "day job" for Wrox, you'll find me helping as many readers as I can in the p2p.wrox.com forums. The DataContext Object Again, the DataContext object manages the transactions that occur with the database that you are working with when working with LINQ to SQL

SPROCs can sometimes allow you to execute multiple statements together that work on data closer to the database (since they are running in SQL), which is where you can potentially see some gains depending on what you are doing. I need to investigate some more to see whether there is a way to externally trigger that (you could ceretainly add your own helper method to call it though)

The Posts property is a navigation property that allows you to get all the Posts that are linked to the blog through the foreign key defined at the Post table. If we would implement Eager loading for the Posts linked to a Blog, we would not have gotten the newly added Post when writing all posts to the window output: With Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities you are able to use the Include keyword to eager load related entities

Hope this helps, Scott ScottGu - Saturday, May 19, 2007 4:48:46 PM would be nice...easy! Rachit - Saturday, May 19, 2007 8:58:49 PM Scott, Will anything ship with Orcas to generate LINQ to SQL from and existing SQL2005 database? Any performance comparisons between LINQ and .xsd DataSets? Kyle West - Saturday, May 19, 2007 10:30:00 PM Hi Scott, Thanks for the excellent write-up, as usual. If I understand the second link correctly, this stores things web requests - which ultimately makes scaling out across multiple web servers harder, and can lead to scaling challenges as more users hit the application

mysql - SQL query: Delete all records from the table except latest N? - Stack Overflow

Without it we'd run into two errors: SQL Error (1093): You can't specify target table 'table' for update in FROM clause - MySQL doesn't allow you to refer to the table you are deleting from within a direct subquery. ); (Normally interpolating a comma-separate list into an SQL statement introduces some risk of SQL injection, but in this case the values are not coming from an untrusted source, they are known to be id values from the database itself.) note: Though this doesn't get the job done in a single query, sometimes a more simple, get-it-done solution is the most effective

This functionality comes built into the ASP.NET Framework, and we can achieve such results by writing no code whatsoever, but this example will give you a look behind LINQ and a better understanding of how we can customize our data access. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use LINQ to SQL Classes and develop your own methods that will allow adding new records, editing existing records and deleting records from the SQL database

In this element set the DeleteOnNull attribute to true: Now the same code will work as expected as when the UserID field tries to be set to NULL, it deletes the record

What is the point of creating or querying all the objects just to serialize them and send them as XML through a sproc? If you are truly doing bulk operations (thousands of records, not 50) you do not want to create all the objects (especially with change tracking enabled) to do something that could be scripted or done with dynamic SQL statements. Though it does allow all of these operations, all of these operations are not efficient in terms of the performance standpoint of applications involving large data manipulations

Cascading Deletes in LINQ to SQL - CodeProject

The issue is one of determining how to handle the deletion or retention of records associated with a record targeted for deletion where that record maintains a foreign key relationship with records contained within other tables within the database and more specifically where the foreign key fields are not nullable. LINQ to SQL will not violate the foreign key relationships and if an application attempts to delete a record with such relationships in place, the executing code will throw an exception

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